Running Mechanics Analysis - Master Athletix

Running Mechanics Analysis

Running may seem like an intuitive activity, and it is often picked up as a tool to increase the amount of physical activity. It all sounds good provided we understand and respect the human body biomechanics and respect our anatomy and current physical level.

At Mariusz Athletix we take athleticism seriously and provide a thorough analysis of the GAIT cycle and running analysis to identify non-optimal movement or flaws in the running technique.

It is a common occurrence to experience pain, if:

  • We start activity too intensely and after a long period of low or no activity,
  • We build the running style upon even minor joint limitations and inhibition,
  • We neglect previous injuries and add faulty mechanics to already compromised joints.

Through a series of tests, we can spot the problem in an early stage and prevent further damage, by proposing strategies to prepare your body for the challenge and allow you to enjoy the running itself and the results it may bring to you.

The test can be performed face-to-face or remotely after sending us a video recording of your running technique according to a specific setup and angle.

Contact us by email for detailed instructions, or to schedule a face-to-face session, if you are located near the Ho Chi Minh City area.